

Care knowledge cars

1. Roll the cake slowly startup When starting the car in the morning , you need at least 30 seconds for the machine perfunctorily mode (more if the car is not used for 24 hours ) . In case long enough run rough , low oil pressure causing the device not sufficient lubrication . Time […]


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Tip preserved leather car seats

You can not clean leather seats with regular detergent – they normally have a pH is too high compared to leather . Soda in detergents with high alkali concentration is effective to clean the stains, but not good for the skin . We can make the gray , silver color, makes the skin bright stains […]


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Car washing machine spray

Máy phun cao áo, bọt biển, bao tay rửa xe nếu không có thì dùng khăn mềm, khăn hút nước (khăn da, khăn vải to…) khăn lau khô, 02 xô nhựa, bàn chải đánh lốp, xà bông rửa xe có chất dưỡng bóng chuyên dụng. Car washing process: 1. Spray the entire car soften rough […]


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